Filipino La.

Archive of Filipino Louisiana

Documentation of the history and culture of Filipino communities in Louisiana

Browse Items (4 total)

1910 census miguel USS Kansas.jpg
The 1910 Census on USS Kansas includes a number of Filipinos including Miguel Guillera.

Guillera Girls.jpg
Photograph of the elder Guillera sisters, Evelyn, Fe Fe, and Anita.

Florence Timpson 1910 17yrs..jpg
Florence boarded the Amerika in Southhampton to emigrate to the United States and marry Miguel Guillera. In New Orleans, Florence, like her husband, was involved with the Filipino Community. A 1936 Times-Picayune article, lists her as an organizer of…

Request for Citizenship Papers 1940 1.png
Letter written by Miguel Guillera, proprietor of the Philipino Colony Bar and Refreshment Co., to the US Navy regarding his citizenship status.
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